Wednesday, 27 April 2011

Evaluation 4 (Sophie Lane)

Who would be the audience for your media product?

My magazine is aimed at teenagers ideally between the ages of 16-21 years of age.
We wanted our magazine to be;

Combining all of these ideas was hard enough, then we had to apply them to our target audience ages. Baring in mind that a 16 year old will have complete different interests to a 21 year old, it was challenging. But we managed to forget about making it age suitable and focus on the genre, because if everyone is interested in the genre and topic of the magazine then that should be enough to keep them reading, buying and recommending the magazine to others. So even though the diverse age differences may cause problems, the category will bring them all together into the same stereotype and make them feel that their differences no longer matter.

Our magazine, because it is targeted at a young audience will have to be affordable and suitable to their lifestyles. For example it will have to be easily accessible and could even be shown online for ease of access. As people this age will be leaving school and starting careers it is reasonably sensible and grown up.

Most of our audience follow the Indie/Rock crowd, as that is the genre of the magazine. however the magazine is easily suitable to any other readers. Our readers dress, act and hang around with people from the Indie or Rock crowd so will all share a passionate interest in this type of music. This will also help upcoming bands which are featured in the magazine to be heard by their ideal target audience.

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